Twin Flame Love & Life Purpose Reading for Taurus Season
Taurus Season starts with Mercury Retrograde, then picks up momentum after Mercury goes direct April 25th; it's time to shift your spiritual and emotional energy into grounding, communicating, and feeling romanced in the material world.
This is a good time for going with the flow and romancing yourself, while also paying attention to other earthly matters like growing your finances and creating more comfort in your life. When you feel good about yourself and truly enjoy connecting with yourself on an intimate level, your Twin Flame will naturally reflect this and be attracted to what you've got going on.
Abundance comes in many forms including finances, loving relationships, harmonizing with your Twin Flame, a comfortable home, and the list goes on ... it starts with giving it to yourself, the feeling of power, of claiming that you can have it all. It's important not to betray yourself by falling into patterns that drain you of your personal power. If you do make a mistake and realize you "fell for it again," it's ok. It's just taking you deeper into showing you what you want and don't want, so have compassion for yourself and your Twin Flame.
You've probably both made mistakes in your life and there's nothing unforgivable, if there were it would mean there was something real that could prevent you from your Union. Practice healthy self-respect and it will be easy to ground in the new empowering choices you are making at this time. Personal empowerment will magnetize your Twin Flame, too.
Located in Fullerton, CA, Fullerton Palm & Psychic is an expert on twin flames and specializes in reuniting cases daily. You can visit the office at 1441 N Harbor Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835 or give us a call at (714) 225-1130.